

Increased sample size provides novel insights into population structure of Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles

In the framework of the project "Conservation of Marine Turtles in the Mediterranean Region" (2017 -2022) scientifc research work has been carried out in several Mediterranean countries regarding loggerhead and green turtles.The paper "Increased sample size provides novel insights into population structure of Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles" published in "Conservation Genetics Resources" Journal is an outcome of this project. Through robust scientific evidence we can lobby for better or news laws and recommendations and guide sea turtle conservation. You may read the published paper below:… read more

Marine Turtles in MPAs - A Monitoring and Management Guide

This guide aims to provide extensive but not exhaustive advice on factors to consider for the conservation of marine turtles within specific marine protected area settings, which are tailored to address the themes of species and habitat management. The core of this guide is a suite of Decision Trees that systematically and progressively deal with the assessment and management process that an MPA authority should consider in order to ensure that any turtles present are protected from harm and their… read more

Conservation of Marine Turtle in the Mediterranean Region: A Gap Analysis by Alan Rees

This publication is produced by SPA/RAC - UNEP/MAP in the context of the project "Conservation of Marine Turtles in the Mediterranean Region" funded by MAVA Foundation. The author of the publication is Alan F. Rees . The purpose of this publication is to provide an overview of the existing sea turtle monitoring activities in the Mediterranean, to identify the gaps in conservation efforts and to provide solid recommendations on how these gaps could be filled.    read more

Conservation of Marine Turtles in the Mediterranean Sea

The recent publication from IUCN- Med  on the Mediterranean Marine Turtles is a comprehensive overview of the latest information available on nesting beach sites,  foraging and overwintering grounds, as well as the current situation in protected areas. Report funded by Mava Foundation through the action plans “Reconciling fisheries and biodiversity” and “Protecting sea turtle nesting sites” Easily read... Enjoy ! read more

Development of a Pan-Mediterranean Sea Turtle Stranding Protocol & Database

The Mediterranean Sea is a biodiversity hotspot of high importance worldwide and hosts significant sea turtle populations across its range for mating, nesting, as well as for feeding and wintering of adult, sub-adult and juvenile individuals. As the largest semi-closed basin on our planet surrounded by 23 countries with a total coastline length of 46.000 km, consequently sea turtle strandings occur every day across the Mediterranean, either alive, injured or dead. It is important that these incidents are managed and… read more

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